Abeles Rosé

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Regular price $38.00

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only 1 left in stock

Region : Hungary,  Balatonmelléki & Somló

Vintage: 2021

Viticulture: Organic 


Notes from the Importer:

We don’t know what to call this wine. Rosé isn’t really it, but we had to tell the TTB something. This is essentially the same exact wine as the Crazy Lud Red. Same pick dates, same ratio of grapes, and the same co-fermentation of Somló and Lake Balaton fruit. The big difference is zero maceration. Where the Crazy Lud Red spends up to 2 weeks on the skins, this is immediately foot stomped, moved by hand to the press and pressed in clusters with as little soaking as possible. The micro-oxygenation heavy aging is key here. This is somewhere in between a Gemischter Satz, late harvest and a rosé. A signature wine for Imre and something brand new to us as well.
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